Direct the task name editing
⇧ double-click(Shift + Mouse Double-Click) to edit task name on the chart panel directly

- Click a taskbar to select
Double-click the empty space in a row to select the task on the row
Skill: After a task is selected, QuickPlan will scroll the Gantt Chart to make the selected taskbar visible. So to move a task visible, we can avoid scrolling Gantt Chart horizontally a long distance, by simplely choosing the task (click the task on the outline panel, or double-click the empty space of the row where the task is in).
⌘ + Double-click ("Command" + "Double Mouse Click" on a task group) to collapse and expand
Skill: There are some other ways to collapse and expand a task group, such as keyboard shortcuts, or to click on the triangle icon near the group taskbar. However, this mouse gesture is more efficient.
Moreover, the intuitive mouse gestures to change task date on the Gantt Chart.
Gesture ⌘ + Mouse Move-up/Move-down and Keyboard Shortcuts ⌘ + ↑/↓ to change task sequence.
Project Operations
Project Properties
Task Maintenance
- Task Structure
- Task Fields
- Create Task
- Insert Task
- Remove Task
- Indent and Outdent
- Copy / Paste Task
- Repeat Task
- Split Task
- Maintain Properties on Gantt
- Maintain Properties on Outline
- Property Updating Panel
- Task Link Maintenance
- Task URL Maintenance
- Date, Work and Costs Baseline
- Critical Path
- Seach & Replace
Efficent Maintenance
Task Display
Team Collaboration
Partical Exporting