Task Fields
- Sequence No - the task sequence number in the whole task list, start from 1
- WBS No - the task WBS number, in the format like "1.2.1"
- Name
- Start
- Finish
- Count of all the calendar days from start to finish - by default, the title of this field is "Duration".
- Count of all the workdays from start to finish - by default, the title of this field is "Days".
Archived Start, Finish, Workdays and Duration
Archived task start date.- QuickPlan supports to archive the start, finish, and duration of all the tasks simultaneously.
- QuickPlan does not support to update the archived data of a specific task.
- QuickPlan supports to display the active task data in the outline list in colorful by comparing to the archived data.
- Normally we can use the archived fields as a simple baseline solution.
% Complete
See the definition in the MS Project. -
Target % Complete
This column is calculated by QuickPlan, to show the target % complete rate by the end of yesterday (the tobe % Complete based on schedule). -
Task resource assignment. -
Input manually, or calculated by the task duration and assigned resources ( = "Workdays" * "Daily Working Hours" * "Daily Assigned Resource"). Task work is not the same as task duration. For example, the work of a one-day task may be just one hour. -
Physical % Complete
See the definition in the MS Project. -
Specify who is the task owner or contactor for review and status updating if needed.
(which is not the same as the task resource). -
Labor Cost
Input manually, or calculated automatically by the app ( = Sum of cost of each resource(Work * Resource_Cost_Rate) ). -
Materials Cost
Input manually. -
Total Cost
Automatically calculated = Labor Cost + Materials Cost. -
To list all the WBS No of linked predecessors. -
To list all the WBS No of linked successors. -
URL #1, URL #2
Two URL fields without predefined purpose.- QuickPlan does not limit the input of the URL string - controlled by the user.
- After the project is sync/shared to other devices, the URL may be invalid. (for example, a URL to a local file on Mac will not be available on the iPad).
QuickPlan for macOS supports to maintain task URL by draging from other apps
Icon field can be used to specify the task status. QuickPlan does not define the usage of the icons - it's up to the users how they define the usage of the icon.
QuickPlan supports to customize the title, visibility, width and display format of the task fields.
(it will take a while to load following the animation)

Version 5.0 starts to support change task fields sequence
Right-click on a header on the outline list to show the context menu.
Pan up/down on the left icon of the field row to change sequence.
Project Operations
Project Properties
Task Maintenance
- Task Structure
- Task Fields
- Create Task
- Insert Task
- Remove Task
- Indent and Outdent
- Copy / Paste Task
- Repeat Task
- Split Task
- Maintain Properties on Gantt
- Maintain Properties on Outline
- Property Updating Panel
- Task Link Maintenance
- Task URL Maintenance
- Date, Work and Costs Baseline
- Critical Path
- Seach & Replace
Efficent Maintenance
Task Display
Team Collaboration
Partical Exporting