In an opened project view, tap the Project Name on the Toolbar to edit project properties.

Project Name & Notes
- In an opened project view, tap the project name on the toolbar, to change the project name and notes.
- Project name can also be changed in the home view - Tap the right-top corner of the project tile, then to maintain the project, includes changing project name.
Project Start Date
- In an opened project view, tap the project name on the toolbar to show project properties. And then to tap the "START" element to change the Project Start Date (project "FINISH" date is automatically calculated)
- The Project Start Date can also be changed easily by gesture: Move left/right on the timeline(at the top of Gantt Chart view).
And there is a UI customization option to enable / disable the gesture for changing the project start date
Daily Working Hours
DWH (daily working hours) defines how many hours per workday in the current project. DWH will impract:
- Task work. (work = daily working hours * workdays * assigned resource)
- Task labor cost: automatic labor cost is based on task work.
Default Cost per Hour
In an opened project view, tap the project name on the toolbar to edit project properties include the Default Cost per Hour
- the Default Cost per Hour of the project memebers.
- The actual Cost per Hour of a specific project member can be overrideed (when editting project member properties).
Currency Symbol
In an opened project view, tap the project name on the toolbar to edit project properties include the project Currency Symbol
- Default currency symbol is $.
- There is an option to customize the cost display format (as '100 $' or '$ 100')
Projects Maintenance
Project Properties
- Project Name and Notes
- Project Start Date
- Project Members
- Project Calendar
- Project Task Link Behaviour
- Project Date Schedule Policy
- Currency, Daily Working Hours, Default Charge Rate.
Task Maintenance
Gestures & Keyboard Shortcuts
Team Collaboration
Project Sharing
- Sharing Project from iPad
- Import Project on iPad
- Sharing Project from iPhone
- Import Project on iPhone
- Sharing Project via AirDrop
- Sharing Project via Email
- Sharing Project via Dropbox
- Sharing Project via Google Drive
- Sharing Project via OneDrive
- Sharing Project via Box Cloud
- Sharing Project via 3rd Apps