Today Widget and Local Notifications
QuickPlan "Today" enables you to track today's in-processing tasks in the App Welcome View and the iOS Notification Center with daily notification.
iOS Today Widget.
iOS Local Notifications.
Today Task List in App.
Configure "Today"
Select projects you like to track in "Today", and enable the today widget in the notification center.
Select projects for "Today".
Enable QuickPlan today widget - Swift down from any screen to bring up the notification center, then Tap on the "Edit" button to show all the available widgets.
Tap on the green ‘+’ button next to the QuickPlan to enable it
- By default, the height of the QuickPlan today widget is minimum. Please tap the "show more" button on the widget.
Local Notification
If this feature enabled, the iOS would send a notification to brief today's tasks at the time you set.

- Maximum one notification per day to summarize the today's in-processing tasks.
- Notifications will be sent two months after the last time the app opened.
Projects Maintenance
Project Properties
Task Maintenance
Gestures & Keyboard Shortcuts
- Widget on iPhone
- Widget on iPad
- Today Tasks (for ios prior to version 14.0)
Team Collaboration
Project Sharing
- Sharing Project from iPad
- Import Project on iPad
- Sharing Project from iPhone
- Import Project on iPhone
- Sharing Project via AirDrop
- Sharing Project via Email
- Sharing Project via Dropbox
- Sharing Project via Google Drive
- Sharing Project via OneDrive
- Sharing Project via Box Cloud
- Sharing Project via 3rd Apps